I Continue to Amaze
Mommy continues to be amazed by me. Here lately, she's been trying to get me to eat baby food from a spoon. I have done everything in my power to prevent this. I close my mouth, spit it out if she does get it in, and scream bloody murder. However, last night, I decided that I should maybe cooperate. It was actually pretty cool. I figured out that if I let Mommy stick the spoon in my mouth, I can swallow the baby food and I'm not hungry any more. Mommy was amazed, too, that I cooperated so eagerly. Maybe it was because she made the food herself instead of giving me that old canned stuff.
I'm still struggling to get over this yucky cold that I have. My nose continues to be runny and I hate it when Mommy or Daddy wipes my nose. I hope I get over this thing soon!