Saturday, February 11, 2006
Monday, February 06, 2006
Wild as Ever!
Mommy and Daddy wish that I would calm down a little. I am non-stop. I like to stay busy. Yesterday, they put me in my bed and closed the door so I could take a nap. I didn't feel like taking a nap. So, I played in my room for two hours.
Much to their dismay - my room was a disaster zone when they came to check on me. I had pulled ALL of my books from the bookshelf and scattered them all over the room. I had pulled most of the stuff from the drawers of my dresser and night stand. I had taken several of my toys out of the closet. And all of it was lying in either the floor or my bed. I had fun, though.
But not having a nap, made me VERY tired and I fell sound asleep in mommy's arms at around 7:00. I slept really well, too.
Other things...
My eye and stomach teeth are coming in, but not quickly. The very tips of them are through. They have been like this for a couple weeks now. I wish they would just come on through.
I can sing all of Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star now. I also like to sing the Barney song (I Love You, You Love Me...), ABC's (I still get a bit confused on which letter goes where) and Old MacDonald. I like to sing. I sing to myself all the time.
I was counting to five (consistantly skipping four), but now I count 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10. Mommy's not sure what happened to 5 & 6.
I'm starting to understand colors. I just can't consistantly name them. Most of the time, I say things are yellow "lellow", white "hite" or green "geen".
I'm starting to become more of a "Daddy's girl". I don't like to do anything when Daddy isn't home. Especially take a nap, take a bath or go to bed at night. Mommy is glad that I'm getting more attached to Daddy so that it might be easier for me when baby brother is born.
I'm showing more interest in the potty, but I still have not gone to the potty yet. I just can't tell when I have to go. I do let Mommy and Daddy know after I've gone poopy in my pants.
That's enough for now.